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Human viruses: Diseases they cause

Human viruses: Diseases they cause

Scientists have estimated that there are approximately 1031 viruses at any given time. In other words, there are ten million more viruses on Earth than stars in the entire universe.

These viruses are found in oceans, attacking bacteria and other microbes. Although the fact that a virus can infect bacteria might seem strange, however, scientists think that every type of living organism probably hosts at least one virus.

What is a virus?

A virus is an infectious particle that can reproduce by “attacking” the cells it infects. Once the virus has inserted its genetic material into the host cells, it infects them and begins to make many copies of the virus. These copies leave the host cell, destroy it, and look for many more cells to repeat this infectious process unless our immune system attacks them.

what is a virus

The human body has some natural defense mechanisms against viruses. When a cell detects a viral infection, such a cell can initiate RNA (ribonucleic acid) interference, decreasing the virus’s genetic material’s influence on the cell’s usual material. The immune system also gets underway when it identifies a virus by producing antibodies that bind to it and make it unable to replicate. The immune system also releases T cells, which work together to kill the virus. Antibiotics do not affect viruses, although vaccines will provide immunity.

Some viruses do not kill the cells they infect but alter their functions by sometimes turning them into cancer cells.

Viral Diseases

The flu, colds, chickenpox, measles, and coronavirus are some examples of viral diseases.

viral diseases

Coronavirus is a family of viruses that can cause respiratory diseases in humans. However, this family of viruses can circulate between animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats.

The most recently discovered coronavirus causes the disease globally known as COVID-19.

Like most viruses, including the flu, COVID-19 can spread through respiratory droplets released from the nose and mouth when an infected person coughs. When a person coughs, he releases about 3,000 droplets that can land on other people’s clothing, surfaces around them, and some may remain in the air.

Given the high risk of contagion of this and other viruses, it is always advisable to strengthen our immune system. This can be achieved through a balanced diet, exercise, or supplements to keep us healthy and able to fight against any infection.

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