What is the Zapper
The Zapper is a device developed by Dr. Hulda Clark and integrated into many of her protocols, including those aimed at cancer treatment. This device can “electrocute” small pathogens, such as parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other toxins, without the need to operate at a specific frequency, distinguishing it from a conventional frequency generator.
Additionally, the Zapper is crucial in reactivating white blood cells, enabling them to “hunt” and eliminate invaders more effectively. Its effects are primarily distributed through the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

VariZapper 2.0
The latest model, the VariZapper 2.0, is straightforward to use. It comes equipped with a built-in rechargeable battery and a timer that automatically turns off the device at the end of the session. There are several ways to use it, either with special wristbands included in the package that are placed moistened on the wrists, ankles, or feet, adhesive patches for the wrists or forearms, or carbon handles. Additionally, the VariZapper 2.0 is pre-programmed with the original standard program and offers the option to use other chips or drivers with specific pre-programmed programs, which can be purchased separately.
Although Dr. Clark provided instructions in her books on how to build a zapper, it is crucial to ensure that the device you acquire always maintains a positive offset. If the device shifts towards a negative offset, it could have the opposite effect, stimulating microorganisms instead of eliminating them. For this reason, the Clark Center developed the VariZapper 2.0 to ensure precise and error-free therapy.
Moreover, it is recommended that digestive enzymes be taken after a session with the Zapper, as these enzymes help break down the residues left by dead parasites and pathogens.
While there are numerous testimonials from people who have experienced success using the Zapper alone, it is essential to remember that this device is only a part of Dr. Clark’s protocol. To achieve the expected results in any health condition, combining its use with the cleanses and detox treatments that are an integral part of the complete protocol is essential.