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Importance of the Thymus

Importance of the Thymus

The Thymus is located behind the breastbone and is recognized as the main gland of the body’s immune system.

Each organ has a specific function and is necessary for the body to work correctly. For example, the pancreas is essential since it regulates glucose levels in the blood, among other functions. Moreover, the body releases hormones to regulate vital processes according to the needs. Therefore, it can even be life-threatening if the pancreas does not work correctly.

In the past, pancreas extract of animal origin was used to deal with this organ’s deficiencies. It was vital in the case of the disorder of sugar metabolism that we call diabetes. Pancreas extract has helped many people regenerate their organs and save their lives.

Based on these observations, the importance of the thymus gland for the internal defenses of the organism is confirmed. Just as extracts from the pancreas stimulate pancreatic function, extracts from the thymus gland work to boost the immune system.

the thymus and the immune system

The Thymus and the Immune System

We can compare the immune system to a private army that protects the body from invaders and diseases. The immune system develops in humans during early childhood. Immune system comprises various organs and glands such as the thymus, bone marrow, spleen, all lymph nodes, and all white blood cells. The skin is the first protective barrier against external aggressions; the gastrointestinal tract also filters bacteria from food.

Thus, the immune system is always ready to destroy pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins that invade the body from the outside. In addition, it is now known that the thymus is closely related to the development of the immune system.

The Spleen and Lymph Nodes

At birth, the thymus is the largest gland in the lymphatic system. The spleen and lymph nodes, on the other hand, are underdeveloped. The spleen and lymph nodes are two individual “power stations” of the lymphatic system and form the basis for the body’s self-defense.

basis for the body self defense

The spleen is a soft and spongy organ. Its function is to filter the blood, discarding old blood cells and forming new ones. It is located under the diaphragm, and its approximate weight is 200gr. In the early stages of life, the spleen is the organ that contributes the most to the production of red blood cells. Later in adulthood, the bone marrow takes over this function.

Lymph nodes are small, pea-shaped organs found along the lymphatic pathways throughout the body. They mainly house lymphocytes whose primary function is to defend against aggressors such as viruses, bacteria, and malignant cells.

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