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Concentrated Polypeptides

Product NameContents
BONEcartilage, cervical, knee, shoulder
BRAINtotal brain
KID URIkidney, bladder
CIR CARheart, arteries, veins, ventricles
LYMPHAlymph gland
DE LIVliver, gallbladder, detox action
GLUTAacetylcysteine, reduced glutathione
DIGstomach, colon, rectum
PANC SPpancreas, spleen
NERV EMbone and spinal cord, thalamus and hypothalamus
SKINskin, dental pulp
EYE EAReyepieces, retina tissue, optic nerve and middle ear
LONGEV maleprostate, testicles, penis, placenta, thymus, umbilical cord
LONGEV femaleovary, uterus, mammary glands, placenta, thymus, umbilical cord
ENDOthymus, thyroid, lymphatic, adrenal
AESTHEmuscle, cartilage, placenta, umbilical cord, thymus
PULlung, larynx, bronchi, pharynx
Immune repair cycle
Polypeptides: liver, thymus, colon, duodenum, pancreas, bladder, skin, ureter, thyroid gland, lung, spleen, artery, thalamus, bone marrow. Trace elements: Germanium, copper, chromium, selenium, zinc, lithium, molybdenum. Catalysts: Acidum (citricum, fumaricum, dl malicum, aconitum, succinicum, Alpha ketoglutaricum), Natrium (oxalaceticum, pyruvicum, magnesium, manganum phosp)
body concentrate
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