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ReBuilder for Peripheral Neuropathy

It is possible you’ve been told that peripheral neuropathy is incurable and that the only thing left to do is taking medicine to reduce the pain. The side effects from taking drugs can take a toll on your health just as bad or even worse than neuropathy and your life quality will lower as time goes by.

Peripheral Neuropathy is a progressive disease and can lead to amputations and life strapped to a wheelchair!

rebuilder for peripheral neuropathy
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    Safe Treatment!
    Without drugs, without surgery, without side effects!
  • If you are looking for a solution for neuropathic pain,
    you came to the right place!

Over 287.000 have been benefitted by ReBuilder!

The Solution for neuropathic pain…
ReBuilder has Life-Time warranty!

Sleep without any pain!

Users can see a lasting improvement during the first 7 days of use. In most cases, cramps and numbness disappear and they experiment an improved range of movement. You will also be able to fall asleep and sleep through the night without any pain.

If you are currently taking neuropathy pain medication, it is possible to reduce your dosage with your doctor’s help avoiding possible side-effects you may be getting because of these drugs.

sleep without nerve pain

The common TENS devices numb the pain in the area causing TEMPORARY relief.
ReBuilder Neuropathy Treatment strengthens muscles, normalizes blood flow and reconstructs nerves PERMANENTLY eliminating pain.

  • What is the Diabetic Neuropathy?
diabetic neuropathy information
  • Know the causes, symptoms and treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy

ReBuilder Use Testimonials

"I got the ReBuilder for my mom, she has been using it daily and has noticed a considerable improvement on her neuropathy symptoms."

Walter L.

"I got ReBuilder 2407 for my father and it has honestly helped him a lot with his neuropathy and he is getting better thanks to this treatment."

Ray L.

"After 8 months of being bedridden due to my diabetic neuropathy thanks to ReBuilder I have started walking again and have gained back my independence. I am really happy! I recommend it."

Dr. Erwin Ruiz

"I am thankful for the treatment with ReBuilder 2407, I am now 80% better from my neuropathy problem."

José Q.

I’ve been using ReBuilder for over a year now, and I have to admit I am feeling a lot better! I practically feel nothing, no pain, no numbness, etc.

Aurelio González

Two ReBuilder Models

rebuilder 300


  • Device with one output
  • Applicable to one area of the body
  • (such as feet or hands)
  • Worldwide Free Shipping
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rebuilder 2407


  • Device with two output
  • Applicable to multiple areas of the body at the same time
  • (such as feet, hands, knees, elbows, and back)
  • Worldwide Free Shipping
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