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Clark Parasite Cleanse

Clark Parasite Cleanse

Dr. Hulda Clark defines a parasite as “anything that lives out of you and gives back nothing,” meaning it covers not only big organisms but also countless varieties ranging from viruses to amoebas, and fungi, including round and flatworms. Using its Synchrometer test technology, she documented the correlation between several diseases and the presence of pathogens and toxins in our systems.

Initially, she could not explain why she kept finding parasites in the wrong places until she made the connection between them and the presence of solvents in our system.

Daily life exposure to solvents

Solvents are chemical products that dissolve things. We have started to use them in countless applications in the industry, such as the manufacturing of oil, butter, cookies, fried food, soaps, and cleaning products.


We also obtain significant amounts of exposure to solvents through the generalized use of White oils, which are sub-products from the oil industry and are considered the base for several cosmetic products in the market. Solvents are also used in cleansers and disinfectants, later introduced indirectly in several other products through manufacturing. In addition, we use them to extract water out of alcohol which is used in spray propellants. This way, we are exposed continuously and daily to a wide variety of solvents in our daily life.

Dr. Clark’s investigation points out that these solvents also dissolve things inside our bodies, and the consequences these might carry are disastrous. For example, the mucous membranes that form the intestinal coating, the blood-brain barrier, etc., can become severely compromised and highly porous, allowing toxins and parasites to migrate and move in a way they shouldn’t be able to. It constitutes an immune issue and sets up the disease stage.

Solvents, according to Dr. Clark, can also dissolve the hard external layer of parasites’ eggs, which will allow them to hatch in unprecedented ways since they will not only reproduce in unexpected ways but will also be able to move around the body and establish their residence in places where we would not be able to find them usually.

With this in mind, Dr. Clark recommends four basic things:

  • Take the appropriate measures to get rid of these potentially destructive invaders.
  • Pay closer attention to the places we might be exposed to said organisms.
  • Take the appropriate measures to clean out the toxins we have been exposed to and repair any damage they might have caused.
  • Try to discover where we have been exposed to those toxins so we can avoid them.

Treating the problem caused by pathogens will require time and effort since the situation might be worse than we think it is. For example, if the person’s immune system has been compromised, many organisms may have proliferated and established inside the body. Maybe they do not cause symptoms immediately, but they will cause severe issues in the future.

Parasite elimination by using the herbal-based Clark Parasite Cleanse Treatment and Zapping

clark parasite cleanse treatment and zapping

Dr. Clark recommends using her Herbal based Parasite Cleanse Treatment and the Zapper to attack various organisms.

Combining the herbal Clark Parasite Cleanse and the zapping makes it easy to kill flat and roundworms, protozoa, bacteria, and viruses. The Clark parasite cleanses treatment can prevent and help in the battle against most diseases.

The elimination process based on the herbs included in the Clark Parasite Cleanse takes three weeks, in which you will be using the black walnut tincture, freshly ground cloves, and wormwood in established doses followed up with a weekly maintenance dose. Again, Dr. Clark recommends doing the cleanse program with the zapper program as support.

Besides her Herbal Parasite Cleanse, Dr. Clark has several other programs designed to attack smaller organisms inside the intestine and bigger organisms such as tapeworm and Ascaris eggs. Unfortunately, regular parasite medication sold in pharmacies cannot help out if there is a generalized parasite inside our body since it is designed to attack a minimal amount of organisms, not just those located inside the intestines.

Why is a weekly maintenance dose suggested?

Dr. Clark says it is crucial to maintain the cleanse since we are constantly exposed to parasites that are hidden everywhere, and getting re-infected is easy.

We can get infected by parasites through those around us, our animals, rugs, hands, gardens, food, and especially through poorly cooked dairy products and meat.

poorly cooked meat

“I believe the main source of intestinal issues is poorly cooked meat. After we get infected this way, we might pass it on to others through blood, saliva, semen, breastfeeding, and motherhood. Family members usually have the same parasites, and if one of them develops cancer or HIV, the others may probably have the same intestinal issues since the same parasite causes these diseases, and they should go through the same parasite cleansing process”. Quoting Dr. Clark

Instead of just trusting the parasite cleanse, it is a better and gentler solution for you to look out for the infection and re-infection sources to avoid them as much as possible.

Some measures to avoid these parasites include:

  • Having more rigid hygiene practices, mainly regarding hand sterilization after using the toilet and before preparing and eating a meal.
  • Keeping your hands out of your mouth.
  • Improving our food preparation habits, avoiding all poorly cooked meat and not sterilized dairy products, and using 5% HCL as a soaking agent for vegetables.
  • Cleaning all rugs, mattresses, and tapestry. Please check Dr. Clark’s guide on rug cleansing.

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